

Prestigious international accreditation for Education Sciences programs

Fuente: DRII

The School of Education Sciences is proud to celebrate the prestigious international quality certification awarded to its Master's Degree in Teaching and Doctorate in Education and Society programs. This esteemed recognition was granted by the Latin American University Evaluation System (SILEU by its acronym in Spanish) of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO by its acronym in Spanish) and is valid for four years.

This achievement highlights our institution's unwavering commitment to academic excellence and positions Universidad de La Salle and its School of Educational Sciences among the best higher education institutions in Latin America and the world. 

Please join us in extending heartfelt congratulations to all faculty members and staff involved in securing this remarkable accomplishment! Their dedication and hard work continue to elevate our institution and contribute to the advancement of education on a global scale.

Click Here to read more about this important achievement.


