

Academic mission to the Dominican Republic

Fuente: FADU

The Master's Program in Latin American Cultural Heritage of the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (FADU) at Universidad de La Salle successfully conducted an Academic Mission to the Dominican Republic from March 18th to March 23rd, 2024. Led by Dr. William Pasuy Arciniegas, the mission involved Lasallian postgraduate students and was supported by the National Directorate of Monumental Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic and experts from various universities: Universidad Central del Este, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, and Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.

The academic agenda featured conferences, introductory presentations, and guided visits in collaboration with professors and specialists to explore the "colonial city" of Santo Domingo and San Pedro de Macorís. The focus was on the first Castilian homes and Catholic religious sites dating back to the 16th century in the American continent (recognized as World Heritage sites by UNESCO). The mission aimed to delve into the tangible and intangible natural and cultural heritage, as well as appreciate the contexts of biodiversity on the island, its history, traditions, and cultural expressions.

As a result, the students effectively characterized and valued the natural and cultural heritage in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Universidad de La Salle established new connections with partner institutions to promote international collaborations and foster upcoming interinstitutional initiatives.

Fuente: FADU
