

A world of opportunities: Lasallian students share their experiences abroad

Fuente: DRII

For the Autumn semester of 2023, Lasallian students have been beneficiaries of #UnMundoDeOportunidades (A world of opportunities). In particular, some of them have been awarded with international scholarships and travelled to new destinations in the world. For example, Paula Carolina Beltrán Chaves, student of Business and International Relations program, was the winner of the ELAP scholarship (The Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program) offered by the Canadian Government. She is currently studying an academic semester at King's Western University. On the other hand, Estefany León Bejarano, student in the Bachelor's program in Spanish and Foreign Languages at the Mosquera Campus got the Global Korea Scholarship - GKS. Estefany is studying a semester at Keimyung University, South Korea.

Additionally, two students from the Business and International Relations program were participants in the McLaughlin Social Justice Institute (MSJI) with Christian Brothers University. In particular, our students volunteered to learn about issues pertaining to social justice and inequity, particularly for people living in poverty and on the margins. From June 18th to July 1th, our students participated in various activities where they exercised their Lasallista spirit. 
